Tue 2022/08/02
The most important school statements and reports
The reports and statements inside the school are indispensable because they show the administration every small and big thing going on in the school, and it makes it easier for students, parents and school workers to extract all government statements and the necessary and required reports for them.
There is no doubt that school reports have a great importance in following up the workflow within the school and managing it well. They serve as a summary of what is done in each program list. So let us first know the lists included in the program together:
- Administrative area
- Students Affairs
- Student accounts
- bus management
- control
- Warehouses
- General accounts
- Personnel
- The library
- Clinics
Each list in the Edu Step Up program serves a section of the school's different departments and each list has its own set of school reports and statements.
School reports and statements
First: Student Reports
- Which includes the following
- Students' age calculation report in the first of October
- 12 detection report
- Quality Report
- Statistics Report
- Parents view report
- Stages report
- student information
- Student enrollment certificate report
- National ID Expiry Report
- Student card printing
- 41 new recruits revealed
- Health insurance statement
- View site login information
- Student card settings
- Follow-up of the days of absence and vacations for students
- Issuance of a registration certificate.
- Issuance of a certificate of good conduct.
- Issuance of leave permission.
- Issuance of a certificate of vacant places.
- Extracting his clearance of expenses.
- Request to withdraw a file.
- Request to transfer from one school to another.
- View the student's recipient.
- Adding the responsible for receiving students.
- Distribute students to classes.
- Report designer
In addition to reports dedicated to Al-Azhar institutes, which include:
- Lists of students with the status of enrollment
- Report of foreign students
- Orphan students report
- Student lists report in Arabic and English
- View grading
- Class progression
- Student coordination
- Restricted students
- Brothers reports
- Student enrollment record
- Enrollment of incoming students
- List of chapters with enrollment status
Second: Student accounts reports
These reports show you all the financial movements of all students in the school and these reports include the following:
- Payments report according to the stages
- Bus Payments Report
- Student payments report in the amount
- Student expense claims
- Custom Student Payments Report
- Student registration expenses report
In addition to the student fee payments report, which includes the following:
- Student payments report
- Remaining amount report
- Full payment report
- Student fee report
And also:
-Student fee refund report
-Payment statement
-A statement of the total tuition fees
-Warehouse and bank payments report
-Child payments report
Third: Bus Reports
Which provides you with all the information you need to know about buses, bus drivers, student subscriptions, bus schedules, and bus stops. These reports include:
-Bus report
-Bus attendance and departure report
Fourth: Control reports
As we mentioned before, the reports provide you with information about each department of the school and reports related to school control, which include information about grades, their balance, student results and other many and complex data included in the control list, and these reports include the following:
- Monthly results report
- Password report
- Attendance and departure report
- Question and answer movement report
- Control work statistics report
- Student pass and fail report
Fifthly: warehouse reports
You also know very well that warehouse management requires focus because it includes dealing with suppliers and adding and withdrawing items from the store, and all of this needs to make reports that include:
- all the movements that take place in the school’s stores.
- Class movement report
- Report of permission to deliver an item
- Quantity adjustment report
- Warehouse transfers report
- Depreciation report
Sixth: The school's general accounts report
Among the most important lists that need some important reports that show all the financial movements that take place in the school, such as:
- Cost centers report
- Daily Restrictions Report
- Monthly account statement report
Seventh: employee reports
Among the most important reports that are found in the list of employees are:
- Employee attendance and departure statement report
- Report discounts and bonuses
- Advanced employee search
- Staff search
- Salary profile report
- Report designer for employees
- employee advances report
- employee movement
- Staff movement report
- Staff assignments report
- Employee absence report
- employee evaluation report
In addition to some other reports such as:
- Library Reports
- Borrowed book reports
- Reports for a period with statements (for the clinic)
- Disease report
- Student violations report
Therefore, the Edu step up system is an integrated administrative program that fully manages your school and helps you easily follow its workflow by providing some important reports that help you with that.
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