Student Affairs Department

Tue 2023/09/26
Student Affairs Department
The Edu Step Up school management system manages and organizes all student-related matters within the entire school with detailed reports about them, helping the school administration to follow and manage all student affairs with ease.
Student Affairs List Features:
1- Add an educational stage
Through this list you can add all the educational stages in the school (primary school - preparatory - high school - kindergarten) and also you can add educational stage name and you can arrange it between the other stages.
2- Add a grad
This list helps you add grades to different educational stages, and you can choose an educational stage to add grad name that belongs to this stage with an explanation of whether the grad is the last grade for the stage.
3- Add a class
This list enables you to add classes to the grades in different educational stages you can choose the department and stage to show the grades of the chosen stage, and then add class name belonged to the chosen grad with the clarification of the order of class within the grad and add students' number.
4- Add a study language
This list helps you to add the language sections available for study at the school such as (Arabic- English).
5- Add parents
This list helps you to add students' parents names, through which you can add the parents of the students by identifying guardian name in Arabic and English, specifying his Id, birth date, birth place in Arabic and birth place in English, and identifying the type in terms of being a father, mother or uncle, and identifying the kinship, address, email, phone number of the house, job, workplace, and in an automated way the site makes a user name and password uses the following to enter the website and follow his sons. As well as the national ID and its expiry date, passport number and its route of expiry and issuance place. Also he can add notes and then click on the addition.
6- Add a student
From this list you can add students enrolled in the school by specifying the name in Arabic and English and can change sequence number, and student condition must be determined in terms of he is a junior or any other thing, and must specify birth date and birth place in Arabic and birth place in Arabic and English, gender, religion, nationality, and choose study language, mother language, enrollment date and the last school for the student and if the school is internal must choose the residence name, then the address, governor, city and the village if found, and then add student's phone, home phone, emergency phone and the email, the site makes a user name and a virtual password so that the student uses them to access the site.
7- Add language
It could be the student's language of study or his native language.
8- Add a student residence
The students' residence name is added if the school is boarding.
9- Add student attachments
This list helps you to add student attachments such as personal photos, where we choose the student either by name or by student sequence number and we download student files to add them such as birth certificate copy of or certificates obtained copy in earlier stages.
10- Registration of absence days and vacations
This list helps you to register absence days and vacations of the student, where we choose the student either by name or serial number there is a window for absence we specify day date of absence and then add, and there is another window to determine the vacation days of selections determine the vacation date and the reason and then add.
11- Add parents manually
This list helps you add an Excel file to the school's student parents list we download the file in the example and fill all the colored fields in red and fill the other fields If any, with no modification in the fields in the sheet or any addition to it, then we press the addition.
12- Adding students manually
We download the file in the example and fill out all the colored fields in red and fill the other fields if any with no modification in the fields in the sheet or any addition to it and then click add.
13- Advanced Research
This list enables you to search for a student in Both Arabic and English, the name of the guardian, the mother's name and the condition of the student (junior - residual - transferred), and identify the section in which the student is located (Arabic- languages), Determining the educational stage, class, national number, residence number, passport number, language of the student's study, mother tongue and residence name.
14- Days of absence and vacations
This list helps you to record the days of vacations and the absence of students in a particular class or at a certain stage, we choose the stage show its classes and then we choose the class so the classes appear we choose the class so the names of the students enrolled in this class we choose from them students to register for absence or vacation.
15- Student without classes report
This list helps you to issue reports for students in the classes you can choose the department and then the educational stage so it shows the classes were chosen class and then search to show you the reports of students in different classes.
The student affairs list also enables you to:
• Dividing the school by type of study (national - international - Languages American - British - Montessori).
• Dividing the school into the classrooms and classes.
• Add stages and classes or delete them at any time depending on the needs of the school.
• Add all the data of students and parents.
• Keeping students' attachments from official papers such as birth certificates and health certificates.
• Register the absence of students.
• Extract Certificate of enrollment.
• Extraction of a certificate of good conduct.
• Extract leave permission.
• Extracting a certificate of empty places.
• Extracting a clearance with expenses.
• Request to withdraw a file.
• Request a transfer from one school to another.
• Student recipient's presentation.
• Add student delivery officials.
• Distribution of students to classes.
The EDU Step Up school management program helps:
• To supervise the database of students and prepare periodic statistics for them and provide them with the school administration.
• Supervise the preparation of records and files for students and continue to update them.
• Follow-up on changes in the status of students and notify their staff from the teaching staff.
• Organize student files and ensure that all required documents are completed.
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