School clinics management



The importance of school health: First, we define the importance of the school health which is represented by: Society service especially students and raising health awareness for them. Students in the school environment are more exposed to health risks like common diseases, injuries, and accidents. The early detection and quick response to many diseases. Students shaped a high percentage of society. The advantages of clinic management statement in school management program Edu Step Up:- Student health file You can add the health condition for each student. Adding a doctor Through it, you can add the doctor's data and define his specialization. Adding clinic Adding data for an enabled clinic. Adding specialization You can add all medical available in the clinic. Adding a statement In the case of making a medical check for a student, the medical check data, its result, and the patient treatment will be added in the statement. Organize the process of the student's visits to the clinic. Organize the follow-up process for students' health. The medical check report about a specific period.
EDU Step Up
EDU Step Up
School clinics management School clinics management

School clinics management

integrated system to manage and follow up with the health condition of students, follow up on the doctor's visit, besides making health integrated file for each student in the school, all of this through the developed school management system Edu Step Up.

The importance of school health:

First, we define the importance of the school health which is represented by:

• Society service especially students and raising health awareness for them.

• Students in the school environment are more exposed to health risks like common diseases, injuries, and accidents.

• The early detection and quick response to many diseases.

• Students shaped a high percentage of society.


The advantages of clinic management statement in school management program Edu Step Up:-

• Student health file
You can add the health condition for each student.

• Adding a doctor
Through it, you can add the doctor's data and define his specialization.

• Adding clinic
Adding  data for an enabled clinic.

• Adding specialization
You can add all medical  available in the clinic.

• Adding a statement
In the case of making a medical check for a student, the medical check data, its result, and the patient treatment will be added in the statement.

• Organize the process of the student's visits to the clinic.

• Organize the follow-up process for students' health.

• The medical check report about a specific period.

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