Tue 2022/08/02
Distance learning - ideas to enhance student participation?
Many of our children find great fun in their first school years, as learning is linked to them with joy and fun, and the question remains, how do we enhance this spirit, and maintain this enthusiasm in the teenage years? And even why after that in college life? Here comes the role of technology and modern educational techniques with distance learning and ease of obtaining the study material and following up on school assignments, all of which gives the student a passion and love of learning and the spirit of success.
Because of the technological revolution that began at the beginning of this century, and with the changes and events that occur every day, which do not stop, but remain in constant continuity, and in light of the great crisis that occurred, a great and sudden change occurred in the process of education and distance learning, so many programs and applications that provide support for teachers and schools appeared. To manage the educational process in a good way and not affect the performance of students.
Therefore, it will provide a set of tips for each teacher to ensure good educational performance and better and enjoyable learning for students to achieve active interaction and success.
The most important tips that make distance education enjoyable for students and achieve good educational performance
1- Good planning and defining strategies
It is known that preparing for school lessons in traditional education is very different from the methods of preparation in distance education. It is necessary to take into account defining the strategy in the different stages of the lesson from introductory, presentation and evaluation, and determining the course of the lesson from beginning to end.
2- Determining the tools that help the teacher in distance education
There are several tools that the teacher needs in communication, follow-up, education, and implementation of the tasks and activities required of the student, on the basis of which the selection of the appropriate program and application to achieve the desired goal of each tool and its use correctly.
3- Ensuring that the teacher and students are proficient in the program, websites or applications used
As a teacher, you must study the site well, because what appears to you and the powers that you possess are completely different from what appears to the student, in order to reduce wasting a lot of time during the lesson. This is done by training the students well on what will be used.
4- Not to have too many goals or learning outcomes in distance education classes
It is better in this case for the teacher to focus on setting two or three goals at most, clarifying the results at the beginning of the lesson, and working to achieve these goals so that students are not distracted.
5- Work on submitting assignments electronically
This is because it is much better than the typical way of solving assignments. It is possible to present the assignments in a participatory or individual way between students and provide feedback on what was submitted by the students.
6- Reviewing the teacher’s performance for himself on a daily or weekly basis to identify his strengths and weaknesses that can be developed and improved
7- Setting specific times to communicate with students and parents so that the communication process is in an organized manner
8- Setting conditions for students to choose the appropriate place to pursue distance learning
Where commitment to the rules of participation during the lesson and informing parents of the need to follow up their children in attendance and performance of tasks and attendance and absence.
9- Ensure that the duration of the lesson is not long so that the students do not get bored and become distracted.
What are the activity ideas to enhance student participation?
1- Make the students feel responsible
Leave them the freedom to choose the tasks and homework they want and the freedom to search on the Internet to solve the duties assigned to them, as this will make them feel responsible for solving these duties, as they can solve them very easily by searching on the Internet.
2- Changing the learning environment
One of the best ways to motivate students to learn is to provide a learning environment based on cooperation, participation and broadening of awareness by watching documentaries or doing joint research based on research through the Internet.
3- Encouraging team work
Something very important to motivate students to participate, especially for stuttering or shy students. Everyone will be excited to participate, express their opinion and ask questions.
4- Building interaction and motivation in the lesson content
Through discussion and diversity in the content and integrating questions that need group work and research, each student can search for a specific part to reach in the end to solve the question through the group as a whole.
5- Building a community for them through technological applications to share their opinions with each other
Therefore, distance education has many positives, and in order to obtain them, you must constantly search for ways to develop it to bring students to a complete educational process and achieve the main goal of it, which is students’ success and superiority.
I recommend you to see this thread: Advantages and pros and cons of distance learning
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