Mon 2022/01/03
School Student Affairs and Responsibilities
If you occupy the position of Student Affairs Officer or School Principal, you must take care of all the procedures and tasks related to your work. It is time to save time and effort in reviewing paper files and exposing students’ data to loss. You should think of technological solutions to facilitate and organize your work.
Schools are considered, since their inception, as one of the important factors that have contributed to a large and huge degree in the development and prosperity of societies and the transfer of knowledge in an organized and systematic manner, it is based on scientific and organizational foundations, not only in education, but also in education and the creation of a new, educated and well-behaved generation, even if you notice education without ethics is a curse on societies, and there is no morality for individuals in societies, ethics without education is another curse; This is because its result will be the spread of ignorance in societies, so we all learned that order and good and good treatment are an important part of the educational process in the school, there is no school without a department responsible for student affairs within it that is specialized in organizing and arranging all papers and dues related to students, in addition to its responsibility for managing school activities for students and student guidance.
Student Affairs archives
Before we get acquainted with the functional tasks and competencies of the student affairs officer at the school, let us first learn about the most important archives, files and forms of the student affairs representative.
1- Files supervised by the Vice Dean for Student Affairs:
- File to record the attendance, absence and tardiness of students
- File (31 expenses) to register students' enrollment
- Certificate registration record
- File delivery
- Parents' calls
- Register student data, phones and addresses
2- File supervised by the Vice Dean for Student Affairs:
- Student files
- Student transfer file to and from school
- Daily delay file
-Student health and social case file
-A file to save the warnings, excuses and absences of students
-Student violations file
3- Forms for the representative of student affairs:
- Student violations file
- A file to save the warnings, excuses and absences of students
Duties and responsibilities of student affairs in schools
1- Supervising the admission of new and transferred students to and from the school.
2- Ensuring that students are enrolled in school and that they meet these conditions.
3- Ensure that there is a file in the name of each student that contains all the required documents, such as:
- Computer birth certificate.
- Enrollment application supported by a document proving the student’s success in previous years in case the student was transferred from another school.
- personal photos.
- Dossier to save these documents to keep them from loss.
4- Follow-up work related to student affairs in the school, and these works include:
- Follow up of tuition fee history.
- Follow up on budget records and special statistics.
- Follow-up of students’ absence books, which include (the total daily absence of students - file 5 behavior - sending periodic warnings to students).
- Follow up on student files, especially new students.
- Follow up on the work and preparation of the monthly statistics and make sure that they are sent to the educational administration. These statistics are sent during the first three days of each month.
5- Knowing and applying all labor laws and regulations.
6- He obliges the student's guardian to pay the prescribed expenses for the school year according to the instructions received from the ministry or from the school administration in the event that he is working in a private school.
7- Knowing the objectives of the educational stage of the school.
8- Knowing all the rules and instructions.
9- Managing the school in the event of the delay or absence of the school principal or the school representative.
10- Supervising the admission of students and examining their documents.
11- Good preparation and preparation for the introductory week to receive new students and follow up on the work of the committees formed for this purpose.
12- Follow up on students’ attendance and tardiness.
13- Follow up on students’ morning tardiness.
14- Follow up on the regularity of students during the morning assembly.
15- Counting daily absences, communicating and following up on the outstanding students.
16- Delivering warnings to students who have exceeded the days allowed for absence during the academic term.
17- Counting the sick cases in each class of the students in cooperation with the social specialist.
18- Inventory of cases with special social and economic cases.
19- Organizing student records and files.
20- Follow up on preparing classes and distributing students to classes, taking into account the individual cases of students.
21- Preparing lists of students' names and sending them to teachers.
22- Supervising the filling of the student registration record.
23- Supervising the indexing, organizing and archiving of students’ files.
24- Supervising the preparation of a record containing the addresses and phone numbers of students.
25- Meeting with class secretaries to clarify their tasks and follow up.
26- Preparing the exams schedule with the teachers.
27- Passing through the classrooms and corridors during the lessons to find out the students who are outside their classrooms and punish them.
28- Providing the school director with periodic statistics on students in terms of (student numbers, social and health statistics.
29- Parents of students submit their files after the end of the school period, and honor the outstanding students in all academic levels at the school.
30- Doing any other work assigned to him by the school director as required by the nature of the educational work.
How Edu Step Up Helps You Organize Student Affairs Tasks
In the Edu Step Up program, you will not need any external assistance, because the program is prepared to deal with all the fees that you will need as a student affairs officer in your work, as the interest in it will result in the student accounts part, Because with the addition of a student to the program, an account is created for him in the accounts tree, and an account is opened for him in the stores and an account in the control, clinic and buses, so it is considered one of the most important parts of the program and some of the advantages that the program provides you with:
1- Add a student.
2- Adding a study/department language.
3- Adding an educational stage.
4- Add a row.
5- Add a chapter.
6- Adding the student’s guardian and his data.
7- Add student attachments.
8- Add a dwelling.
9- The presence of a part of the advanced search for students who were born in a specific month, or a search for the status of the student’s enrollment.
10- Recording students’ vacations and absences.
11- There is a special section for all student extracts.
12- Extracting a transfer request.
13- Adding an official to receive students from the school, whether it is a guardian or a relative.
14- Having all the reports that you need to follow up on your work as a student affairs officer, such as a report (41 newcomers - health insurance - 12 record - the first of October) and you can print these reports from the program.
In conclusion, if you in the position of Student Affairs Officer or School Principal, you must take care of all the procedures and tasks related to your work. It is time to save time and effort in reviewing paper files and exposing students’ data to loss. You must think of technological solutions to facilitate and organize your work.
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