Tue 2023/09/26
Advantages and disadvantages of online education
Recently, buying and selling and communicating between individuals through the Internet has become a regular thing. Do you think that it does not fit the nature of the educational process?
of course not. With the spread of the Corona virus, the process of distance learning spread widely, because it was the best solution for the continuation of the educational process and the continuation of communication between the teacher and the student, and it was the safe way to protect students and all workers in the educational system from the impact of the virus
the concept of online education together:
It is a way of learning but online using education technology such as the Internet and tools in the virtual medium that facilitate the broadcast of content whether audible or visual, so let's talk in this article about the advantages and disadvantages of distance education for the teacher and the student.
Benefits of distance education for students:
There are several main reasons why people choose this type of education for their children: -
1- The freedom to choose what they learn:
One of the most important reasons for distance education for students is that they will be able to study what they love through some online courses away from being in a class forced to adhere to a schedule they should follow, as for online education, they can choose the course they like to learn and of course if the student chooses a course to graduate from, he must follow the full hours of school to obtain the certificate while following the course's educational schedule of course and they can also watch some videos and articles that the teacher nominates them to read and watch.
2- Independence in setting study hours:
Another important advantage of distance education is the independence of studying at the time they wish.
They can determine the right time for them to hold a meeting through the "Video Conference" with the teacher and the rest of the students from their place at home in addition to attending the lessons recorded at any time in the morning or evening and conducting tests and doing duties through the Internet.
3- Saving time, money and effort:
Students who choose to follow or study a course through the Internet can save a lot of time, money and effort because in the normal way students go to school at a certain time and through means of transportation, this is an effort of the students, but the method of distance learning is an important advantage because it helps them not to be exposed to all this.
4- use a lot of time:
Considering that the distance learning course can be followed at your preferred times, the student has more time to take advantage of it in doing a particular amateur or doing a certain sport, through following a course in school, the lessons are predetermined by a schedule according to the number of certain hours and you have to break your attention between many different topics.
In the method of distance education, you can choose a specific topic each time, so you can study more freely for each of the different topics you study.
5- Flexibility in the study environment:
Through distance learning, the student finds flexibility in studying in the place he wants, but provided that there is an Internet to see the content sent by the teacher, even if the student has to travel somewhere, he can follow his lessons through the Internet without having to miss the lessons or leave them to accumulate on him.
Disadvantages of online learning for students
Of course, there are some disadvantages to this system if it is not followed in the right way.
1- Not adhering to the number of hours specified for the course study:
Many students fall into the trap of postponement and procrastination because there is no specific time to follow or study lessons so they postpone the subjects until later and do not study the course and of course this problem can be overcome by the student's commitment to himself in this point.
2- Lack of interest in personal life:
Since the student does not need to go to school, he can watch his lessons whenever he has plenty of time, and this will affect his personal and family time, but to solve this problem, you may choose a specific time of your day dedicated to studying.
Advantages of distance education for teachers
1- Working from home
By preparing an educational course for your students, you can:
- Time control
- Saving money in transportation and food
- Avoid delays due to transportation
2- Reach a large number of students:
This is of course because the classroom is not enough for a large number of students because the more students in the classroom the more effort is made to deliver the information to each existing individual, so you can give a course to a large number of students at the same time.
3- Save more time to prepare lessons:
Since you don't need to get out of the house and you'll save time out to work preparing lessons for students.
4- Don't need to move somewhere else to give lessons:
Through this method you will not have to go out of the house and go to school to give students lessons because all the lessons will be through the hypothetical medium and this is a great advantage because it does not need to cut a long distance and this will help relieve the pressure due to congestion and exploit their free time in taking care of themselves or practicing a hobby.
5- Create many content formats such as:
- Digital books
- Infographic models
- Puzzles
- Educational videos
- Podcast and many other forms of content
Disadvantages of distance learning for teachers:
1- Not communicating with other workers in school:
Because through this system you will be in touch only with the student and your work will be limited to preparing lessons and following up students and this will lead to a feeling of a training exit from the working environment
2- Getting into trouble not getting familiar with online tools:
In order to be ready to prepare educational content through which you explain to students, you will have to be familiar with online tools to prepare a digital course, but if you are not aware of online tools, you can turn to a particular specialist to help you.
So let's ask a question:
Does distance education represent the future?
Of course it will form a large part of the educational system and that reminded us before in the previous points that the advantages of this system are much more than its disadvantages.
Therefore, you should include this type of education in your school's study plan in the new school year and take good care of it in order to be ready to face any event that prevents students from going to school.
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