Sun 2022/07/17
How to inventory school stores to receive new items
One of the most important ways to help you control inventory is to inventory stores which is to review the different items that are in the stores using certain types of inventory types
Importance of stores in inventory
- The validity of the data in the store records
- Actual inventory and work in comparison with the book balance of the stock
- Inventory control procedures, through which to identify strengths and weaknesses in the control system.
types of stores:
1- Main stores:
They are the stores that supply the regional and subsidiary stores, and their role is to exchange and deliver the items purchased with the knowledge of the procurement department.
2- Regional stores:
These are warehouses that are supplied through the main warehouses and supply sub-stores.
3- Sub-stores:
They are the stores that are supplied from the main and regional stores.
Stored business
These are the tasks carried out by the supply secretary and the most important of these works:
-The disbursement of textbooks based on distribution statements and the adoption of these statements by the administration.
-Keeping the distribution statements in school.
- Registration in the books of the Covenant
-Distribution of the sub covenant to school staff
- Making preparations for the movement of the money books per month
- control system for managing the school's stores.
Different methods of control according to the system of control agreed by the institution and the most important system of the school is:
Regular inventory:
This type of inventory is periodic and is usually at the end of the financial year to know the value of the goods and show them in the sales list to extract the cost of sales and appear in the budget on the debtor side of the assets in circulation.
In order to be successful in this way and to detect any defects or shortages of inventory, be sure:
- Identify the persons in charge of the inventory
- The registration of incoming and issued during the inventory process should be stopped to prevent any error or malfunction during the inventory process.
- Goods still under delivery
- Rejected goods.
- Scrap and exhaust (because it opens the way for stock manipulation)
- Preparing inventories before starting the inventory process to facilitate the inventory process and not to be exposed to any error in the inventory process
- If there are more than one store in different places, the inventory must be carried out at the same time to avoid carrying out any part of the inventory in one of the stores to cover the warehouse deficit.
- If the school follows the loan system for inventory elements or spends them in a temporary way, they are loaned or returned to the store from which they were dismissed for inventory.
- Preparing statements for excess goods in stores and knowing the reason for the increase.
So if you are in charge of managing the school or running school stores, you should pay close attention to these previous points that we talked about in order to avoid falling into the trap of stock manipulation and avoid any deficit.
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