Sat 2021/10/30
The most important characteristics of a successful teacher
“Master, we will be threads in your hands and on your loom, so weave a garment if you wish, and we will be a piece of it in the garment of the Most High.”
An immortal saying by one of the most important poets of the diaspora school, the late Gibran Khalil Gibran, a wonderful saying that explains the importance of the role played by the teacher. One of the most important personal qualities of a successful teacher is that he explains his material to the students in a way that they understand like all students, because the personality of each student differs from the other. It also helps his students to see the materials as easy and uncomplicated, and does not depend on the explanation only, but he experiments with the students with different methods to add fun to learning. When you ask primary school students about the characteristics of a successful teacher, you will find a different answer from middle school students from secondary school students than the teachers themselves and parents answer, but let us in this article explain to you
The most important qualities of a successful teacher supported by Edu Step Up:
1- Open and regenerative
2- Passionate about the development of teaching methods and modern methods
3- Empowered and experienced in the article
4- In constant contact with parents
5- Uses one of the school management systems such as Edu Step Up
6- Adds fun to learning and evokes the spirit of joy for students
7- Rewards outstanding students to encourage them to excel and encourage other students to get them to the stage of excellence
1- A distinguished and successful teacher is always a renewed thinker
The distinguished teacher always thinks outside the box his mind and his idea is open to research and knowledge and implementation of education technology and its most important objectives and characteristics and methods that make it easier for him and the student to understand the material and make it smooth and simple no matter how complex by giving them some tasks to make projects consisting of presentations at home and then presenting them to the rest of the class and the projects must be new and non-traditional to open the field for them to think and expand their horizons as a result and give time to the teacher to apply new methods and methods with them.
2- Passionate about the development of teaching methods and modern methods
If the teacher does not have a love for what he does which is teaching students and looking for The most important modern education means and their role in improving the teaching and learning process to get students to the stage of excellence and excellence and has a passion for it, he did not become a successful teacher, the successful teacher has a passion and determination to continue research and progress to change and replace the old educational methods complex in new ways and methods of education developed to help students progress and excellence and thus can influence his students positively.
3- Empowered and experienced in the article
A successful teacher is able and knowledgeable in the curriculum and has excellent teaching experience so that he can easily deliver the information to students. If you want your students to wait for class eagerly, you will need to be well organized in preparing your lessons because this will reflect on the students' response to the lesson and make them always excited to learn more and will also help you prioritize.
4- In constant contact with parents
Communicating with parents helps you know the characters of the students and what they love and what they hate and the way they prefer to communicate the information to them in addition to their interest in all the activities you carry out with them, contrary to the common for some people, they see that the question of parents is considered interference in the work of the teacher, but this of course is not true.
5- Uses one of the school management systems
A new approach followed by advanced schools to focus heavily by the Ministry of Education on the use of technological programs that help schools to support teachers and manage the workflow in the best way.
6- Adds fun to learning
Fun and optimism are in the spirit of the students, learning and fun are not opposed at all because fun is a cure for psychological anxiety that many students have especially during exams and entering a new educational stage students have awe of going through a new educational stage and the role of the successful teacher here is to spread optimism and hope in the students and help them to overcome this stage.
7- Rewards outstanding students
A successful teacher is always happy with the excellence of his students and their access to the highest grades but in order for the students to reach this stage he works to encourage them always and offer them rewards because of their excellence and success and not only encourage outstanding students but also encourage all students and put in them the love of competition but not compete with others but compete themselves and excel and develop them and reach them to the higher ranks of science and psychological balance.
Words may not be enough to talk about the qualities of a successful teacher, there are many wonderful qualities that the successful teacher has, but what everyone agrees is that a successful teacher is the one who helps students whatever their academic decisions, he knows their strengths and weaknesses, his main concern is to benefit the students because this will reflect on the whole society of development and progress.
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