Thu 2024/03/07
The Importance of Educational Technology for The Teacher
The teacher is the main pillar in the educational process and any change or development in the educational process is possible only with the development of the teacher, therefore, if we want to successfully use educational technology, the professional development of the teacher is the first step for development.
The teacher is the basis of the successful educational process, and attention to the teacher's work and the development of his skills have come to the top of priorities, and it is considered one of the main priorities in building students to a better future.
Our present time is characterized by the acceleration of knowledge, technology, and subsequent changes in different areas. These endless changes require the development of the teacher's abilities and the development of his knowledge. This will not be achieved unless the teacher has the love of aspiring and acquiring knowledge, and the desire to innovate and provide the best.
One of the important ways to ensure the success of teachers in linking the goals of teaching to the needs of their learners is professional development, which differs in its goals from methods such as follow-up and evaluation of the teacher, where it is concerned with the growth of the teacher in the work and not on the efficiency and quality of teaching only, its focus is on how teachers build their professional identity and their interaction with students and its reflection on their performance in the classroom. Therefore, the main purpose of professional development is to improve the quality of teaching, which results in a quality education for all students in the school.
Accordingly, preparing teachers and supporting them in their professional and material development has occupied a distinctive place in the educational planning processes of the Ministry of education in all countries of the world, until the training of teachers and administrators turned into sustainable professional development.
During this article we will discuss:
- The concept of educational technology
- What are the modern technological trends in education
- The importance of applying technology in the educational process
- The role of the teacher in e-learning and modern educational technology
- How to teach a teacher modern technology in education?
What is educational technology?
The concept of educational technology is defined as a set of tools and methods that improve the educational process, help improve and develop the performance of the teacher and student through the use of new technologies and manage them responsively and correctly.
What are the modern technological trends in education
- Online tests
One of the main trends that are expected to grow and become more widespread is digital programs and solutions for online exams and assessments. This program ensured that even during the pandemic and lockdown, all tests were conducted according to the schedule.
- Experiential education
Unlike traditional classroom education where students learn from a teacher or a textbook by following teaching instructions, students in experiential learning classes are more involved in the learning process.
They are also motivated because learning is not just a cognitive process, but also engages students emotionally and socially to create a more authentic and interactive learning experience.
- Cloud computing
Cloud computing is defined as the process of transferring stored information from a computer to cloud servers, as this technology has made it easier for students and teachers to access educational curricula and teaching materials from any device and from anywhere.
- Learning analytics
Learning data analytics enhances student participation in education, because of its importance in the decision-making process, and it also contributes to the identification of learning systems and methods and can benefit from the huge amount of information and data related to students, their participation, evaluation, and writing outputs and results.
Also read:
The most important modern technological trends in education for 2023
The importance of applying technology in the educational process
- Technology gives instant access to information
The use of technology in the classroom allows teachers to provide their students with instructions for finding the right sources and teach them how to evaluate the quality of the information they find online.
- Technology keeps students engaged
The school curriculum based on the use of modern technologies helps to effectively communicate between students and participate in study projects by dividing students into groups, which improves the quality of the educational process.
- Technology encourages individual learning
Technology personalizes the learning experience and provides greater opportunities for students with different needs. They can learn at their own pace, get back to lessons at any time, and get online instructions to support the learning process.
- Gain a deeper and broader knowledge
Modern technologies allow students to search for information with a broader perspective and scope. Instead of relying on a limited number of abstract textbooks in the search for information, which is somewhat limited, they can rely on Internet Research to provide multiple and diverse sources of information.
- Teamwork
Technology can encourage collaboration with students in the same classroom, at the same school, or even with other classrooms around the world. One of the best ways to enhance communication between students in the classroom is teamwork Projects and collaborative learning. Students can ask questions, discuss various topics and help each other learn in a safe online environment.
- Technology prepares students for the future
Technology is everywhere, High School, College, University. Students should know how to use the internet to finish tasks, how to use it to find future jobs. Therefore, it is very important to introduce this technology into the classroom and also integrate it into their curriculum.
Also read:
The importance of educational technology - goals and characteristics
Many reasons make teachers begin to involve technical software in their classrooms. But the challenge facing us now is: does the teacher have enough knowledge to use technological tools and modern educational tactics in the school curriculum
Before we introduce modern technologies into schools and school curricula, which will certainly cost us a lot of money to equip a suitable and reliable infrastructure, we must first prepare the teacher to deal with these technologies in a way that enables him to improve the quality of the service provided and provide professional scientific material to students.
How to teach a teacher modern technology in education?
To teach teachers modern technology, the following steps should be followed:
- Identify modern technological tools and how to use them in education.
- Provide teachers with the necessary training and support for the effective use of technological tools in the classroom.
- Provide access to educational resources, online study materials, and run customized educational programs.
- Distribute technological tools in classes and provide access to the internet and the necessary tools.
- Distribute online educational functions and tasks and use technological tools effectively.
- Cooperate with companies and technological institutions to provide teachers with support and training.
- Adding technological elements to educational plans and updating them periodically to keep pace with technological development.
The role of the teacher in e-learning and modern educational technology
Does modern technology cancel the role of the teacher in teaching?
For the teacher to maintain his success and presence in the e-learning environment, it requires a lot of qualifications, such as knowledge of modern e-learning strategies, which differ from traditional education, and also requires a change in the roles of the teacher from a carrier of information, to a mentor and supporter of the student in the learning process. To the extent that the teacher has the scientific and pedagogical experience, and effective teaching methods, he can produce excellent and creative students.
For a teacher to keep up with technological development and become a successful teacher, he needs an intellectual reformulation through which he is convinced that traditional teaching methods must change to suit the existing amount of knowledge, and the teacher must learn modern methods of teaching and effective strategies through his role as a mentor, motivator, supervisor, trainer of his students, follow-up the level of students, tests and prepare the appropriate learning environment.
Online learning does not mean the abolition of the role of the teacher, rather, his role becomes more important and more difficult in managing the educational process. The profession of a teacher has also become a combination of the tasks of a leader, director, researcher, and mentor. For the teacher's role to be effective, he must combine specialization and experience, and teachers also need constant training to achieve integration between technology and specialization.
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