Tue 2022/08/02
concept of school leadership - its types and importance
Good school leadership helps foster a positive and motivational culture for staff and a high-quality experience for learners. Leaders at all levels of schools can contribute to this by developing the higher-order skills that school leaders need; Therefore, the role of the school leader is important in moving the entire management of the school’s affairs.
Successful scholastic leadership in schools is vital to improving student learning outcomes, as it must be recognized how to enhance leadership capabilities in the school, and that the school will not be able to improve student achievement records without effective and successful school leadership.
school leadership concept
Definitions of school leadership differ, but the concept is the same, which is the management of the curricula and the system that is based on the management of the school. It is also known as the influence on others. The administration and educational leadership are based on a set of knowledge, characteristics and skills that must be provided in the school leader in order to achieve the goals to the fullest. It is also known as the ability Influencing those in charge of work to complete the tasks assigned to them and entrusted to them in full, in addition to the fact that school leadership knows that it is the ability and influence that some people possess and influence their thoughts and inclinations.
The importance of educational leadership:
- Create a vision for the academic success of all students.
- Not to allow a gap between students and each other.
- Allow the existence and creation of a safe learning environment.
- Providing a comfortable and organized learning environment.
- School leadership improves learning outcomes for students.
- Enabling teachers, parents and students to take responsibility.
- Improving a good learning environment for students.
- The practice of encouraging and enabling teaching experience at the school level.
Types of school leadership in 8 elements
We highlight to you the most important 8 elements of the types of school leadership, which are as follows:
- Transformational leadership
- Service leadership
- Democratic leadership
- Leading Transactions
- Authoritarian leadership
- Diplomatic leadership
- Leadership Responsibility
- Distributed leadership
Here are the details of the types of school leadership:
1- Transformational leadership:
Transformational leadership is the most effective form of school leadership. Here the leader is able to motivate and inspire his followers, make positive changes in the group and raise the awareness level of the whole team.
2- Service leadership:
It is a leadership based on an ethical principle that focuses on individuals rather than on the ultimate goal, as the leader supports the interest of the group, and does not look for his own benefit. Guidance, empowerment, and establishing the foundations of trust are the distinguishing features of this style of leadership, and this leadership is based on freedom and independence, which helps them achieve the desired benefit and benefit.
3- Democratic leadership:
His style is distinguished by continuous participation, whether the teachers are the staff in the school, and is based on respect for the personality of the individual and has freedom of choice, persuasion and conviction, and is characterized by taking the final decision by the majority, without domination, coercion or intimidation, recognizing individual differences and allowing each individual to develop his abilities, willingness, tendencies and directions, and these It works to attract the confidence of employees and helps in the decision-making and planning process.
4- Leading Transactions:
This type of school leadership creates clearly defined roles between the group leader and its members, here team members know the tasks they have to perform, and they also know what they will get in return, this style allows the leader to have more supervision and direction if needed, and motivate the group members On good performance to receive rewards, transactional leadership style tends to stifle creativity and innovation in group members.
5- Authoritarian leadership:
Where this type is concerned with tyranny of opinion and blind fanaticism (discussion is not allowed), and we see it using methods of imposition, coercion, terror and intimidation, directing the work of others by issuing decisions and instructions, ambiguity in issuing orders and instructions, and interfering in the details of their work.
7- Leadership Responsibility:
Responsible leadership is concerned with shared values and the community in which it operates. It provides inspiration and perspective on a desired future. Supports all members, and responsible leadership launches from the term scientific intelligence, morals and aims to take care of society, support the common values among its members, and the existence of social responsibility, and effective participation to build and serve reality, and form a clear vision about the desired future.
8- Distributed leadership:
Distributed leadership is based on the concept of collaborative work to serve a common goal, and adopts the idea of having different leadership centers, where leadership moves from the central leadership model to the distributed leadership model, i.e. the shift to the collaborative model, as school leadership in this type is considered work we do with others and not work we do to others.
Distributed leadership also contributes to creating individuals who are proactive, committed, and able to take responsibility, who are not imposed on them within a leadership model based on control, but rather have a common vision and goals, as they do not work in a group of projects, but work in one common project.
How to choose a successful leader of the school? (basics of choice)
- be precise and orderly; There must be commitment and organization in every leader, as he studies these qualities for the rest of the employees.
- To be a leader who has goals and organized papers.
- The ability to take an important decision in critical times.
- Speed of communication with leaders and the concerned authorities to solve problems.
- The leader's insightful vision towards things and decisions and accepting criticism at times.
- Motivating the rest of the employees and being a source of inspiration for them.
- Speed of planning and making the right plans, developing skills and communicating with others.
- To be a good listener, have the ability to solve problems, and be a skilled interlocutor.
- Commitment to implementing the plans and implementing the plans to the fullest.
- To be ethically committed and take into account the values during his work.
- To be sympathetic and willing to help in order to improve the lives of others.
- To have a strong focus on continuing educational development.
Good leadership in schools helps foster a positive and motivational culture for staff and a high-quality experience for learners for lasting success.
One of the modern tools to help lead schools management is the Edu Step Up system. You can contact us to find out more information about the system and get the trial version.
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