Thu 2024/07/18
most important criteria for successful classroom management
The concept of classroom management is known as a set of systematic and extracurricular practices that the teacher performs while in the classroom, and it is a science that has its foundations and rules and at the same time it is the art of applying this science.
There are many courses held in schools and universities for teachers, and the aim is to find out the best ways to attract students’ attention and engage with them, develop communication skills and interact with them, and increase their love for teaching and learning, this is because of their belief that learning is the main reason for the development and progress of societies. Therefore, countries that are less in terms of education and learning aim to study the systems of developed countries, and this is done through educational lessons offered by universities to teachers, and training them on how to deal with students and how to manage the classroom successfully, so let's first get to know the concept of classroom management together.
What is the concept of classroom management?
Classroom management is defined as the process through which an effective system is found in which the teacher deals in the classroom and carried out by teachers to provide the appropriate atmosphere and conditions for the educational process, achieve its goals, and obtain effective and distinguished education.
Types of classroom management
1- Chaotic classroom management
This type is prevalent and prevalent in many schools and classrooms where the teacher in charge is weak in character and does not possess effective communication, leadership and management skills and as a result is not able to attract students' attention.
2- Authoritarian class management
This type of administration does not need anything to make students more attentive because it depends on firmness, but at the same time it makes students hate education because it depends on absolute control and domination. Discuss any information.
3- Democratic classroom management
And this is the optimal pattern or type among all patterns, as it gives the student the opportunity to participate in the information and lessons and makes him search for himself in the material without fear or shyness from participating and expressing his opinion.
4- Traditional classroom management
This is a mixture of all kinds of previous administration in which the teacher is the main driver and the students do not participate in the lesson because they do not like the teacher but respect him.
Learn also: top 10 successful strategies classroom management
classroom management success factors
There are many factors that help the teacher to run a class successfully, and the most important of those factors that help to have a successful class management are the following:
1- The character of the teacher
The teacher must be characterized as:
- Firmness and flexibility in dealing.
- Good behavior in dealing with problems, justice and equality in treating everyone.
2- good preparation for lesson
When the teacher prepares lessons, it must take into account the following:
- To achieve the goals of the lesson.
- Students arrive at good reward.
- Defends students at school for every attention and attention.
3- Method of attracting the teacher for students
To achieve understanding and harmony between teacher and students during the share that the following conditions must be available:
- The teacher must be cooperating with students.
- Good explanation for lesson.
- Use illustrations in explanation.
4- Good use of the classroom to achieve interaction between the teacher and students, such as:
- Arrange the students in a circular motion.
- Communication between all students equally.
- Organize students in straight rows.
5- Studying all aspects related to students such as:
- Students' interest in the school.
- Awareness of what is going on around the classroom.
- Control the behavior of students with each other.
- Not neglecting students' reactions to the teacher's method of explanation or class management.
The most important methods that should be avoided in class management:
- Punishment by expelling students
- Imposing restrictions and threats
- ridicule and mockery of students
- Intentionally punishing students
- Forcing students to apologize
- To condone the bad behavior of students
- Praise one group of students without the other
The most important methods to be followed in classroom management:
1- Setting rules for controlling speech through:
- Set a time for the teacher to speak
- Set a time for students to speak
- When you want to discuss with the teacher, the student raises his hand to organize the discussion process
2- Setting rules for organizing student movement, such as:
- The start and end time of the class
How does the teacher manage the class successfully?
There are many different ways to manage a class successfully, including:
- Linking the objectives of the lesson to the psychological, mental and social state of the student.
- Making the educational activity compatible with the abilities of the students.
- Diversification of educational activities in the class.
- Diversity of explanation methods in line with all students.
- Taking into account individual circumstances.
- Asking questions in a variety of forms.
- Using experience and working in a team among students.
- Informing students of their results and giving them feedback to develop their academic performance.
Therefore, after we got acquainted with the meaning of classroom management, it becomes clear to us that educational creativity depends on the teacher's ability to give, creativity, interaction and scientific mastery.
See also: The most important characteristics of a successful teacher
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