Mon 2022/09/05
Feasibility study of a private school project
As the population increases, it is necessary to establish a larger number of schools. These projects have met with a large increase, in addition to the fact that education needs from time to time to increase the establishment of many private schools in order to raise the educational level; Since the availability of all the possibilities that make the school a distinguished educational edifice makes it a very successful project, According to the financial studies, this type of private school projects bring a lot of profits to the owner, especially the project of establishing a private school on ownership land, which is considered one of the best projects that any investor can think of despite the high cost of this project until the return from it is very large, Therefore, you will be required to conduct a feasibility study by the specialized offices in feasibility studies and business development, which will provide you with all the details that you may need to advance a private school project.
The field of private education is considered one of the leading fields as it is profitable and targeted at the same time and does not require a high budget, technology and automated equipment, in addition to the huge rush to private education due to poor government education, and the increased interest in private education, and all of this made the success of this project a matter of management and time. The administration is the one who will direct the school in the right direction, and time is what will prove through it the good reputation and good effort of the school by creating a generation that is educated on its religious origins and in order to preserve its tolerant Islamic values, which will allow it a place among its fellow private schools.
Your goal should be to build an integrated private school in terms of establishing classrooms and facilities, and in this article, we will explain to you the most important points that you should pay attention to in the work of the feasibility study for your school.
The importance of conducting a feasibility study for the project to establish a private school:
It is necessary to know the importance of the feasibility study. The goal of the feasibility study is to determine and know the viability of the project by focusing on the technical and financial aspects so that you can know the project’s financial costs that you need to establish a private school from the beginning until achieving profits.
Conditions for establishing a private school
- Location: It is the basis and the most important point in establishing a private school project. A large plot of land must be available in a distinguished residential neighborhood that needs a school.
- Safety: The element of safety must be available to protect the lives of students.
- Constructing buildings consisting of classrooms to accommodate students of all educational levels.
- Availability of playgrounds in the school, sports venues and special sports equipment.
- The presence of recreational places in the school, such as the cafeteria and restaurants.
- Clean bathrooms.
- The availability of first aid and units or clinics to treat students.
Factors that contribute to the success of a private school project
- Choosing the school’s teaching staff at the highest scientific level, as well as experience and professionalism.
- Teachers have good manners because it will be reflected on the students in the end.
- The teachers have a high degree of culture, knowledge and knowledge.
- Work on designing a special uniform for school students to distinguish the school from the rest of the schools.
- Availability of suitable and comfortable seats for students and the establishment of libraries to instill a love of reading among students.
Advantages of private schools
- The special care that the student receives compared to government schools.
- Private schools care about parents' opinions and involve them in following up on their children, and this makes them feel reassured about their children.
- Teachers are carefully selected to be experienced and competent, ensuring an excellent education for students.
- It is interested in teaching students’ additional subjects such as foreign languages and programming, which distinguishes it from other schools.
Important points for the success of a private school project
- The teacher and all the teaching staff should be highly educated and knowledgeable.
- All teachers must be above the level of suspicion because they will instill good morals in students.
- Teachers should be aware of the need to use modern methods of education and to stay away from traditional methods that make students alienate from education.
- The teaching staff must master the art of dealing with children at this age, because this is tantamount to rehabilitating an entire generation.
- You should not forget to conduct qualifying and training courses from time to time for all teachers so that they are constantly informed of what is new in the world of education
- Meetings should be held periodically with teachers to discuss the conditions of students and the strengths and weaknesses of the classes.
Therefore, the project of establishing a private school is considered a profitable project by one hundred percent, but if the points that we talked about are available and if the area on which the school will be built needs a new school to satisfy the need for education among the population.
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