Tue 2022/08/02
How to prepare your school for new job applications?
There is no doubt that diversity in individuals within the institution is a good thing, especially in educational institutions such as schools
with the diversity of individuals, diverse ideas are produced, giving the school the opportunity to apply these ideas and achieve the goals of the educational institution. And because schools are among the most important institutions that should be well taken care of, sufficient human resources must be provided to advance the educational system as a whole within the school, So that there is no deficit that affects the educational level within it.A school with an appropriate group of highly qualified teachers and staff has a great opportunity to rise up and reach a high level of quality and a high competitive position.
the processing steps for receiving applications
1- Knowing and identifying the jobs to be announced
By knowing and identifying the jobs to be advertised, you will make it easier for your staff at school to manage this stage.
2- Setting the date of the announcement of the job
To be ready for this stage, the school must make an appointment to advertise empty jobs at the school, With the requirements of each job and the required qualifications and the necessary certificates, setting a fixed appointment to apply for employment is given the opportunity for the school to obtain applicants with appropriate qualifications for the job, because applicants will have an idea of when to apply in advance, this will help them prepare for the certificates and training needed to pass the stages of personal interviews.
3- Create a website for the school
The existence of an electronic website for the school has a very big importance other than its importance to advertise employment applications, so its mission varies between the student and the teacher and the guardian; In addition, it is considered an interface for the school on the Internet, which places the school in a high position among the competing schools. Through it, the school can launch advertising campaigns about the existence of vacant places in the school with a feature to apply for jobs through it.
4- Interest in being on social media sites
Through the school’s presence on social media, through which it can advertise available jobs and direct applicants directly to the school’s website. This method is the easiest way to advertise available jobs, in addition to its great importance in promoting the school on social media platforms.
5- Use one of the programs for school management such as Edu Step Up
After the period available for applying on the website ends, one of the administrative staff will extract a file containing the applicants’ data. The school will need an administrative program through which you can send messages about the date of personal interviews and the results of these interviews, and record the data of those accepted (Their personal data - their phone numbers - their address - their certificate and training - the number of years of experience they have - the current base salary and incentives - job degree - the name of the material they explain), In addition to its great importance in managing all the affairs of the school from students and employees and accounts for students and general accounts of the school and its ability to extract reports related to students management accounts and employees and accounts.
In conclusion, if you are a principal or a school owner and you care about the availability of human beings in your school, you should take care of all these points that we talked about so that you can pass this stage and get the highest competencies, Which suits the nature of the jobs needed by the school and avoid falling into a sudden deficit in the human element, which is considered the basis of the educational process, the availability of the human element within the institution with the involvement of technology to carry out some delicate and complex administrative tasks the school can compete strongly for the highest positions in the quality of education, This is because the good management of the school will translate into achieving the school's objectives of having a group of highly qualified employees and easy follow-up and management of individuals.
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