School Accounts Management

Thu 2024/03/07
School Accounts Management
through which you can manage your accounts and control all the calculations of schools Starting with the addition of income and school fees, the organization and payment of premiums, salaries of employees and other account management tasks in the program, which facilitate sought to manage and follow up the school's accounts totally.
The general accounts list contains:
1- School Accounts chain
First, the type of account is chosen( assets - commitments - income - expenditure ), the establishment date of the account, the account name , the currency used in that account, the main account name, the supplementary account, the opening balance and its classification are chosen).
2- settings list
Through which you can fully control the settings of general accounts and change the nature of accounts and budget settings.
3- Add storage
Adds the name of the safe and the name of the main account.
4- Add bank
adds The name of the bank, the main account name, the bank account number of that account and the account holder.
5- payment permission
The number of the bond, the name of the account and the payment method (cash-cheques) and the type of main and sub account for it, its value and statement.
6- cost center
Through it,adds the name of the center and the main branch is chosen and transferred to the cost centers.
7- Exchange permission
The number of the bond, the name of the account and the payment method (cash-cheques) and the type of main and sub account for it, its value and statement.
8- cost center report
This list enables you to print a report on all cost centers.
9- registration number
This list lets you print a report on all registration.
10- trial balance
The level is determined to display the creditor, debitor and beginning
11- beginning balance
The account name and value are determined and the credit item is determined by a debtor or creditor.
12- Income list
The income list is displayed within a period to determine the school's financial position.
13- payment and exchange books
You can add all the receipt books and numbers they contain to print them on the bonds and receipts.
Department of General Accounts Management also contains:
• Add assets
• fixed assets damages
• Daily data entry in a manual way
• Follow all data entry that happened during the day or a certain period
• Controlling school expenses and income
• trial balance
• Auxiliary Records
• Starting fiscal year
student accounts list contains:
1- Fee items
This list provides the division of expense terms and adds the heading of fees (compulsory and voluntary).
2- Class fees
you can specify the school fees for the classes. We specify the name of the educational stage and the classname and then determine the type of fees from (school expenses - book expenses - activities) and then determine the value of each of them.
3-Fee settings
Through it is determined the system you deal with to pay expenses (one installment - multiple installments - statement of account.
4- Adjusting fees
You can modify expenses. only select the name of the stage - the name of the class and then search to show you the name of the class - types of fees - the school year - expense value.
5- pay fees
This list enables you to manage the payment of student expenses, where the student's sequencing number or name is searched and shows you the student's serial number, name, mobile number, address, date of birth, you can add a debt to add optional fees, discount, or pay compulsory or optional expenses and print the expense receipt.
6- Add a combined elective fee
You can add optional fees to each class instead of each students.
The student account management list also contains:
- Registration of compulsory and voluntary terms for these fees and mandatory items are those that are registered as automatic debt to students.
- You can make custom settings for fraternity discounts and discounts for both employees and partner.
- Custom settings for collecting tuition fees whether (single installment - multiple installments - statement of account) for easy management of student accounts.
- You can add more than one school fee (school uniforms, activity fees, trip fees, subscription fees).
- You can add a custom debt or make a discount per student individually.
- You can add a debt or make a comprehensive discount for each stage, class, class or group of students.
- There is more than one way to pay, which is the general payment meaning payment of the total amount, a payment allocated is the payment from each item individually (education - books - buses).
EDU STEP UP school management system helps:
• Supervising the account management database and preparing statistics and periodic reports Related to accounts.
• Supervise and continue updating payment data.
• Follow changes in the status of deported students and the statement of payment of the remaining expenses.
• Follow changes in the status of the the transfer students and a payment statement.
• Manage Student Affairs and all accounts.
To request a trial version of the system and learn about all the features, please contact us!
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